Lives listing by occupation: politician
- Balbes de Berton, Louis François Félix Dorothée Des, comte de Crillon (born 1748–died 1827), French aristocrat, army officer, politician, revolutionary
- Baldwin, Abraham (born 1754–died 1807), American churchman, army officer, politician
- Baldwin, John, mayor of Cork (flourished 1730–1741), Irish gentleman, politician
- Baldwin, William (born c. 1737–died 1813), English politician, member of Parliament, civil servant
- Balleydier, Joseph Marie (born 1727–died 1794), French lawyer, politician
- Bancal Desissarts, Jean Henri (born 1750–died 1826), French politician, political author, political author
- Banks, Sir John (born 1627–died 1699), English businessman, politician, member of Parliament, East India Company official
- Baraban, André Jacques (born 1714–died 1788), Swiss politician
- Barber, John, lord mayor of London (born 1675–died 1741), English printer, alderman, politician, tradesman, civil servant
- Barclay, Sir Robert, 8th Baronet Barclay of Pierston (born 1755–died 1839), English politician, member of Parliament
- Barère de Vieuzac, Bertrand (born 1755–died 1841), French politician, revolutionary
- Barnes, Richard (died 1804), American colonist, plantation-owner, politician
- Barré, Colonel Isaac (born 1726–died 1802), Irish army officer, soldier, politician, member of Parliament
- Barrell, Nathaniel (born 1732–died 1831), American merchant, farmer, politician
- Bassett, Richard (born 1745–died 1815), American lawyer, politician
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