Lives listing by occupation: lawyer
- More, Sir Thomas (born 1478–died 1535), English lawyer, statesman, philosopher, author
- Moreau, M. — (flourished c. 1751), French lawyer
- Morellet, Camille (flourished 1765–1776), French lawyer
- Morgan, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet Morgan [née Gould] (born 1726–died 1792), Welsh lawyer, judge, politician, member of Parliament, businessman
- Morice, William (died 1747), English lawyer, parliamentary official
- Morris, Gouverneur (born 1752–died 1816), American lawyer, politician, diplomat
- Morris, John (born c. 1734–died 1814), English lawyer, politician
- Morris, Richard (born 1730–died 1810), American lawyer, judge
- Mülinen, Friedrich von (flourished c. 1763), Swiss lawyer, politician
- Murphy, Arthur (born 1727–died 1805), Irish lawyer, author, journalist, playwright, actor
- Murphy, James [French] (born 1725–died 1759), Irish lawyer, author, playwright
- Murray, William, 1st earl of Mansfield (born 1705–died 1793), Scottish aristocrat, lawyer, judge, politician, member of Parliament, patron
- Mylon, Claude (born 1618–died 1660), French lawyer, mathematician
- Nicholas, George (born c. 1749–died 1799), American lawyer, politician, army officer, civil servant
- Noel, John Young (born 1762–died 1817), American lawyer, judge
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