Lives listing by nationality: French
- Nanse, Georges Xavier (flourished 1764–1807), French notary
- Nanthia, Mme — [née d’Aydie] (born 1724), French home-maker
- Nar…, Adélaïde de (born 1758), French home-maker
- Néricault Destouches, Philippe (born 1680–died 1754), French actor, playwright, diplomat, academician
- Neufchâteau, Nicolas Louis François de, comte de Neufchâteau (born 1750–died 1828), French government minister, philologist, academician
- Neufgermain, père — de, abbé de Neufgermain (died 1768), French churchman, Catholic
- Neufville-Villeroy, Madeleine Angélique de, duchesse de Luxembourg (born 1707–died 1787), French aristocrat
- Neveu, M. — (flourished c. 1801), French notary
- Nicolas, Sébastien Roch (born 1741–died 1794), French author, poet, journalist, moralist
- Nicolay, Aymard Charles François de, marquis de Nicolay (died 1794), French aristocrat
- Nicolay, père Aymard François Chrétien Michel de, bishop of Verdun (born 1721–died 1769), French churchman
- Nicolay, Aymard Jean de, marquis de Goussainville (born 1709–died 1785), French aristocrat
- Nicolay, Jean Aymar de, marquis de Goussainville (born 1658–died 1737), French aristocrat
- Nicolay, Ludwig Heinrich (born 1737–died 1820), French librarian, scholar, tutor, private secretary, civil servant, poet, playwright, academician
- Nicolle, Gabriel Henri (born 1767–died 1829), French bookseller, journalist, teacher
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