Lives: main window

The lives main window is headed by the person's name, their dates of life and death (if known) and a brief description of their nationality and occupation.

There are four components to the main window of the lives page:

  • biography tab — containing a biographical note on the person;
  • correspondents tab — a list of their correspondents;
  • letters tab — a list of the letters they wrote and received;
  • works tab — a list of works available as full-text in the Oxford Text Archive.

Letters tab

The letters tab displays a list of all the letters that the person wrote and received. Clicking on an item in the list takes you to the individual letter.

Jeremy Bentham

(1748–1832), English philosopher, legal writer, reformer

first previouslisting letters 1–15 of 3359 nextlast
  • Jeremy Bentham to Rebecca Bentham, 3 January 1752
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 20 December 1758
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 10 July 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 9 August 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 30 August 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 29 October 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 6 November 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 21 November 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 26 November 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 4 December 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 16 December 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 21 December 1760
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 3 February 1761
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 15 February 1761
  • Jeremy Bentham to Jeremiah Bentham, 4 March 1761

Individual lives can be accessed by searching or browsing lives or by clicking on a writer's or recipient's name in the meta bar of a letter. The lives page's meta bar provides a summary of facts about the person and their correspondence within EE.